Wednesday, May 19

Malaysia - view on day one

After leaving the UK in October, the heat is most relaxing. Sure, not everyone likes a climate where outside feels like the exhaust from a tumble drier but this suits me fine.

That the streets and pavement here in Cyberjaya, 30 minutes from Kuala Lumpur, are empty may have something to do with it. Cyberjaya is a newly built zone called the Multimedia Super corridor, a silicon valley.

You’d think you were in Docklands - smart cafes, smart shops plus offices and building sites. But without palm trees and the sun.

My flat is smart (though round here that means that it's run by a computer - pics in the photo album above). You've heard about not-so-great working conditions in the far east, but this view, taken when I was working from home makes a point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Malaysia and Indonesia.